Our Mission
We would love to “Change” as many peoples lives as possible. Our hand was forced due to Tony’s accident (Our wake up call!) Thats when we started exploring other possibilities. But WHY wait for a life changing event……Start creating YOUR future now!

We are now part of an exclusive private community of like minded people who are already living their “Digital Life” or are in the process of creating it. It has made a huge difference to our lives and we would love to make this a reality for as many people as possible.
You know you have found something amazing when you want to “shout” about it from the rooftops!
* Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed. Please read our full disclaimer at the bottom of the page or here!
We have found our purpose!
Have you?
Doing something you love isn’t work!
“A Traditional Education Can Make You a Living!
Our Digital Education Can Help You Live an Ultimate Life! “
Hi… We are Tony and Ness Hales, a married couple from Norfolk in the UK. We have been on a life changing journey since Tony had an accident in 2014. Spending a year out of work and Ness a stay at home mum…. we really needed to create an income to support us and our 2 children. The thought of a 9-5 job was soul destroying and being around during the day for the children was amazing. We didn’t want to change this and decided we wanted to work from home. It was the best decision we ever made and we now lead an amazing life of freedom….where we can work from anywhere in the world!
We found the most amazing Academy and learnt the skills to become digital business consultants. Breaking away from the traditional work schedule and creating our own digital lifestyle was truly amazing, and we love helping other people realise THEIR potential too. We are part of an amazing community of like minded people who all have the same passion and desire to succeed and help others. We feel very privileged to have learnt our skills and mind sets from the best in their field (Jay Kubassek and Stuart Ross) who also have a desire to help others and ”FREE” people from the ‘traditional” economy.
Tony had a very small understanding of computers and the digital world, but with the excellent guidance and support, he easily found the skills he needed.
If you think this sounds like the kind of lifestyle you want, we are happy to coach and mentor you, learning the same skills we did. There is an abundance of help and training and guidance. We thought the process would be difficult, but it is all broken down step by step. You have help at your finger tips from real people who have been through the same steps and completely understand your journey.
* Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed. Please read our full disclaimer at the bottom of the page or here!
Learn How to Build A Profitable Online Business
Sign up for our 7 Day Complimentary Video series, delivered right to your inbox! A special feature video series will be sent to you every day for 7 days. Filmed by Internet Millionaires educating you on the most “Cutting Edge” principles in the Digital Economy. Learn how to take control of your life!
* Individual results may vary. No results are guaranteed. Please read our full disclaimer at the bottom of the page or here!
We NEVER share your information with anyone else….EVER! Please read our Privacy Policy!
*Legal Disclaimer (Its always best said than not) Whilst we are here to help and guide you through this process, individual results will vary. No results can be guaranteed. All the products and services we provide are for educational and information purposes only. There are those who will not earn a penny with our products and services because individual results will vary greatly from person to person as we are all individual. This is dependent on their effort, determination, hard work, ability to follow directions, mindset and more. A full earnings disclaimer can be found here